LP Founders David & Rebecca Contreras attended the 10th Anniversary Glimmer of Hope Dinner in Feb 2013. Over the past 10 yrs, Glimmer has provided seed funding to 140 local non-profits working to serve East Austin disadvantaged Communities! LP was selected out of 140 non-profits and honored with the “Angels in the Community Award” which comes with a $5,000 gift to LP. . Glimmer was one of the first funders of LP back in 2008, then subsequent years in 2009 and 2010. Glimmer was the “fuel” to help us get off the ground in our first year of existence Donna and Phillip are truly an example to all of the Austin Business Community of taking the blessings of personal success and giving back to those less fortunate, over the past 10 yrs they have invested 5 million dollars to Austin Charities. We are forever in debited to the Berber family for believing in our program.
