This month during Women's History Month I had the honor of giving a keynote address for Mission Monday at the incredible Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders honoring her. Ann Richards is a prominent figure especially near and dear to my heart, who has incredible passion for leadership and women empowerment. Ann gave me my first job in government through a welfare to work program for single moms in 1989, this is how I started my thriving career in government!

"The 45th Governor of Texas, Ann Richards was one of the most important women in American history. The first woman elected County Commissioner in Travis County and Treasurer of the State of Texas, Richards rose to national prominence and celebrity with her memorable keynote address to the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Richards was an ardent feminist and throughout her career dedicated herself to breaking down barriers for women to fully participate in career and community. She used her own successes to create opportunities for women and to educate and encourage women everywhere to become leaders." (annrichardsschool.org)