Theses photos represent a micro perspective into the work just beginning in Lourdes Colon, Salvador & Choluteca, Honduras.
In a barrio in El Salvador, masks were provided for a refuge home for abused women along with hygiene kits and food for them and their children. We also provided a $1500 investment to purchase several industrial type sewing machines and fabric so that these women could use their talent to create a living wage for them and their families.
We financially support a local Pastor who weekly provides up to 300 meals and school supplies for children in the community and local church.
In Lourdes Colon, Salvador the local Pastor we support also leads a prison ministry program that serves 2500 inmates. Many of those inmates come from local gangs such as the Barrio 19, La Maquilla MS, photos show inmates who’ve participated and completed a bible based leadership program.
The photo of wooden pallet with stacks of boxes on it are filled with 1500 Spanish language bibles. LP in partnership with the American Bible Society was able to acquire the bibles that will be distributed to any inmate who attends the bible based leadership program.
The bibles will also be made available and distributed to local churches in the surrounding area, including in Chouteca, Honduras.
A large scale mask purchase and distribution (5,000 masks) were provided to senior centers and local hospitals.